An acupuncture session would usually last from
20 to 60mins. These obviously vary...
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Acupunture should only be performed by a qualified
acupuncturist. You have to be trained in TCM Traditional...
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is the healing of the body, through the use of small needles inserted
into the different points of the body. An acupuncturist is the
person who performs acupuncture. Acupuncturists are trained in
Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr Jimmy Lu is one of the best acupuncturists
in Johannesburg, and he comes highly recommended by his patients.
The goals of accupuncture is to promote healing and to relieve
pain. Acupuncturists are there to help you with your health problems
and to help you understand your body and the energy it gives off.
Body points and Acupuncture
body consists of 12 points called meridians. These points are
the pathways through which a life force substance called Qi flows.
An acupuncturist will take a medical history, inspect the patients
complexion, tongue and a pulse diagnosis. After studying all this,
the acupuncturist is then ready to perform the acupuncture. He
will insert small needles into the body, at the right points depending
on where the imbalance is. This is not painful, and you can feel
the healing results in no time.
is sometimes called needling therapy. So it is safe to say that
acupuncturists are in a way therapists. The only difference being
the form of therapy being used. Dr Jimmy Lu has many years experience
within this field of medicine. He treats all who come to the center
with respect and care. Always professional, and humble. The center
is his way of helping people restore the balance in their lives.
Acupuncturists always have to use sterile needles.
They insert them in the body, by finding the right pressure points.
When inserted into the body, the depth of the needles may vary,
this resulting in different healing processes. The acupuncturist
knows which points to insert the needles into, without harming
the patient.
Acupuncture is rooted in Chinese medicine and tradition. Eastern
and western philosophy differ very much from each other. So does
the way of life and use of medicine. Acupuncture is..
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We are open only on Tuesdays and Saturdays between
9:00 a.m
to 2:00 p.m.